Monday, September 24, 2012

The barn

Cole and I did a farm unit for our homeschool and I realized we had no play barn. At first I though I might build one out of wood but all my attempts of woodworking in the past have been big failures.  So taking inspiration from I figured I'd build one out of  a cardboard box! It just so happened I had a perfect box for it and inspiration struck as we tried to figure out how to make it look like a barn. Why red duct tape of course! A perfect medium for a 6 year-old. Then we used sticky foam for the trim. It turned out really cute. The baby likes it more than Cole but he doesn't  like much if it isn't a video game. We've also make some cute animals to go with that I'll have to share in a later post.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Lets pretend that it hasn't been years since I've written and I'll pretend that someone reads this. Ok? Great!

It reminds me of my childhood journals. I can never quite get over the fact that I'm basically talking to myself and then I wouldn't write for months.  Its really worse in a blog. Blogs are suppose to be read. I guess that I can sort of force my family to read but the things I want to post about aren't really that interesting to them. So I don't know, I guess the best I can do is pretend. I've always been good at that anyway.