Friday, September 27, 2013

And then we moved again...

Ugh sorry about that giant picture at the top of the blog. I need to install a photo editing program to get it to the right size and that means finding where I put it when we moved. Yes, we moved again! Hopefully, this time, we are staying put. We have been on one end of the country to another. I like it out here in Cali though. Beach is close by, lots going on. Of course that means there are a lot of people and its ridiculously expensive but its ok.

Our days now consist of 3 big kids going to school, me and little guy at home watching lots of tv. Haha! I'm trying to get some sort of something going on for his learning. He is a pretty smart little guy. I took him to story time at the library for the first time on Wednesday. Today we were driving by and he threw up his hand and then started clapping and said, "yay! storytime!". Guess he liked it! I couldn't believe he recognized it. It was the other side of the building too.

Our pet situation has changed a lot too. Sparkles disappeared, Token died (horrible), we now have a new little dog. He is a little Chihuahua named Poncho. He is very sweet but he is young and taking care of him and the 2 year old can be a challenge. They both are always into trouble and always wanting on my lap.

We have had a lot of change and I think we're still adjusting. I hope to get back into all the things I used to enjoy now that we are settling in.