Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rainbows! *Day 1*

We are reading The Wizard of Oz together so I decided to design some craft activities for Cole around rainbows. I realize that rainbows have nothing to do with the book but since our project will culminate in the watching of the movie I figured it would work. Cole used to really like cutting so I cut out strips of rainbow-colored construction paper that he could then easily cut into small pieces. I made little construction paper boxes so that he could also practice color sorting. We could then take these small pieces and glue them to the appropriate place on the rainbow. Well, since he is 2 he of course decided that he is no longer interested in cutting especially if mommy would like him to do it! So I did have to help him finish cutting. Oh well. I guess on the upside he did enjoy the color sorting aspect of it. I guess he is just done with the cutting phase for now. I imagine that once he develops a little more he may get interested in cutting more exactly. He is not there yet though.

Tomorrow-day 2 of rainbow making.

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